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Kashmir, A Jewel in the Crown

Lenka Procházková When I was thinking what subject to cover this time – whether a story from my life or a place of interest or beauty – I was totally taken aback by news from a region where I had never been, yet had been close enough to know about, and where some of my friends …

Harry Potter and the midnight sale

Tomáš Palko Many of us have already read it and the fact that it is a half-blood (a published rehearsal script) surprisingly did not matter. Yes, I am talking about The Cursed Child, a new book by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffani and Jack Thorne. The English version has been out for some time, but …

Culture shock is a lesson

Huang Shuheng Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country. However, it is not something we should avoid, instead it is a situation we have to go through and a lesson we should be ready to …

Four Years as a Tarantula Keeper – Would you Like to be One Too?

Václav Korbel It’s been a month since I’ve forgotten my fourth anniversary as that weirdo who keeps big, hairy spiders. It had all started quite innocently, as a desire to have a companion on my desk during the sleepless nights spent studying, procrastinating or simply being unable to sleep. A tarantula is an ideal …