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June 2019

Kashmir, A Jewel in the Crown

Lenka Procházková When I was thinking what subject to cover this time – whether a story from my life or a place of interest or beauty – I was totally taken aback by news from a region where I had never been, yet had been close enough to know about, and where some of my friends …

Meditation or medication?

Jitka Mikuláštíková How ancient yogic practices can improve our lives  My Story A couple of years ago I discovered something that completely transformed the way I deal with everyday pressures that we all face today. While randomly searching the internet I came across a practice called kundalini yoga. I was attracted to this practice on …

The Curse of Pentecostal Denominations to Africans: Zambia

Elias Tembo From time immemorial, religion in Africa has been a multifaceted phenomenon which has had a strong influence on the culture, art and philosophy of its people. By and large, Christianity, followed by Islam and to a lesser extent, traditional African religion, has been widely adhered to and is still being practised …