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September 2021

Cameras on. Cameras off.

Silvie Šmardová  A tiny survey on a big topic was held among future teachers at the Educational Faculty of Brno.Future teachers, who are partly university students and partly newbies at schools, hear this nearly 24/7. Turn on your cameras, please. We are either kindly asked in our seminars on a weekly basis …

Ungainly Stories from Gaming History

Robert Bičovský We all know, and some of us love, the video game industry, even if we acknowledge it but briefly in a prolonged period spent on a lavatory. But how did the youngest entertainment sector become the behemoth that now sits on top of the industry, amassing about three times more …

Cold Showers and Avocados

Nicole McEvoy On my journey to become the best version of myself, I was lured into the health and wellness trends of today. You know the drill. I saw all my male friends taking the opportunity to take photos of themselves posing shirtless in a freezing lake #notcomplaining. The only meal that was …

The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards

Monika Teleszová The Grammy Awards is a prestigious ceremony that acknowledges the musical achievements of artists in various music genres and fields. This year’s ceremony was particularly important, as it all happened after the difficult time caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which put the whole world in quarantine or under several …

From your editor

Dear readers, I am happy to announce that The Messenger has once again been enriched by several excellent articles written by students of AJ_EJTM, spring 2021. This time it is a small but inspiring issue, especially if you are interested in music, cold showers, gaming, or in the question of cameras …