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A hero in his own right

Jan Tichý Tom Lom, as he calls himself now, was born Tomáš Lowenstein in Prague in 1924, to the Jewish family of an optician. His father remarried before life with his second wife Anna and their boys was interrupted by the rise of Nazism. Three days before the Nazis entered …


Lenka Procházková This is my first article for you, dear readers. I have been thinking what subject to pick, what could be interesting enough, what could capture your attention. And the most impressive thing that has happened to me quite recently is this… Come with me and listen to the story. …

It happened again

Andrea Krawchuk It happened again. She didn’t see it coming and there really wasn’t any good reason for it to happen at that particular moment, yet it did happen. Nothing that day would indicate that there was trouble ahead. She woke up at the usual hour, with the kids and …

A little show of interest

Kristína Lekárová As Ciara was walking home one summer night, hot tears poured down her face. Tired from work and deeply lonely, she just couldn’t help crying. Heavy sobs were interrupted by long intakes of breath. The crying stopped when she was too exhausted to continue. It’s just a part-time job,she …

Harry Potter and the midnight sale

Tomáš Palko Many of us have already read it and the fact that it is a half-blood (a published rehearsal script) surprisingly did not matter. Yes, I am talking about The Cursed Child, a new book by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffani and Jack Thorne. The English version has been out for some time, but …