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Methodology pages


Elias TemboPause for a second. Close your eyes and try to refresh your childhood memories. Where did you tend to listen to stories? Who told or read you the stories? How did you react to the stories? Now that you are older, have you read or told stories as an adult? …

Cameras on. Cameras off.

Silvie Šmardová  A tiny survey on a big topic was held among future teachers at the Educational Faculty of Brno.Future teachers, who are partly university students and partly newbies at schools, hear this nearly 24/7. Turn on your cameras, please. We are either kindly asked in our seminars on a weekly basis …

The application of poetry in teaching English

Mikhail IgnashchenkoReading and writing poetry in the ELT classroom tends to be unpopular due to the many restrictions and prejudices that such work entails. In many teachers’ minds, poetry is one of the most complexes of the literary genres, where linguistic, social and cultural information is tightly packed and intertwined …

How Online Learning Has Affected Students

Christiaan PrinslooWith the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic, changes in all facets of life have been made both forcefully, through government restrictions, and naturally, as a result of said restrictions/changes. One of these facets is university life, how students learn and how teachers teach. I will be focusing on how the changes …