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Erasmus +

Should I stay or should I go? Eco-conscious travelling

Kimberley Bingel This is the story of a South African girl on exchange in Brno. I have flown all over the world in search of two things: education, preferably the kind that comes freely, and happiness. We have good universities in South Africa, but they are too expensive for most of us. …

People You Meet During Erasmus

By Emma Nord During my time on Erasmus I have met some amazing people along my journey—none of whom I will ever forget. The experience of traveling abroad and living amongst both local and international students is one that I can honestly say everyone should try if they get the opportunity. The Travel …

The Universal Language of the Outdoors

By Emma Nord Verbal communication accounts for only seven percent of total communication. This being said, why do people value words so incredibly highly? As a student abroad and a self-diagnosed introverted extrovert, I find it extremely difficult to break through barriers of communication. I love to talk to people and listen to their …

Nonverbal differences between countries

Communication is one of the most important things we use in our lives. Communication means “to share” in Latin. In this article, I will focus on non-verbal communication in different cultures and how they might conflict with each other. In life we use a lot of non-verbal communication, and there are a lot …