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February 2023

What really makes you afraid in Lovecraft’s stories?

Dominik Janýška Have you ever thought about what makes a good horror story? What does it take to write something spine-chilling and original? Even though the feeling of fear might be subjective to most humans, some books and stories can make most people’s hearts race. If someone asked me what book haunts …

The picture of Dorian Gray 

Štěpán Bína I have recently finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. It was a though-provoking read and it really stood out to me. In this article I would like to go over few themes in the book, and message the book conveys. It might help those in need of reading this …

How language defines who you are?

Sofiia Synytska In the modern-day world, it’s important to know who we are. First of all the confidence, it brings in ourselves and the values we realize of ourselves and society. But what language has to do with our identities? Well, we often seek our identities in questions like what …

From Fearing Mistakes to No Pasa Nada

Anna Králová I am a perfectionist by nature, which often enables me to carry out various tasks of good quality, but at the same time prevents me from starting new things. The fear of not being good enough is sometimes so strong that I rather avoid aiming at any ambitious projects. However, …

Dear readers,

I am happy to announce that The Messenger has once again been enriched by several excellent articles written by students of AJ_EJTM, autumn 2022. This time it is a small but inspiring issue, especially if you are interested in the worlds of Cephalopods, Dorian Gray, no pasa nada attitude, Lovecraft´s stories or if …