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Generation Coronavirus

Jana GajdováDo you still remember the summer a year ago? Hot, sunny days? Lazy clouds in the blue sky interlaced with white airplane vapour trails? Streets bustling with artists, musicians, and exotic-looking tourists taking thousands of pictures, and pushing and shoving each other to get the best views of the magnificent …

Finding Love Online

NicoleMcEvoyWhen I chose the topic of this article, I was over dating and single. I wanted to share my naïve journey of going through Tinder dates like going through packets of vinegar crisps (they’re delicious and no one can tell me otherwise!) and hopefully finding the perfect match online. What a realistic goal to …

How to simplify your life (for dummies)

Jana Gajdová To come up with a topic that appeals to all genders, age groups, a variety of mixed students and individuals is always a tremendous task. Being an impulsive writer, I am coming out of my current feeling of being overwhelmed by all my responsibilities, relationships, duties and homework – not only from …

3,2, 1, Say Quarantine!

Nicole McEvoy #QUARANTINE I’ve been scrolling through my phone for the past half hour. What to do? What to do? I have so much on my plate at the moment. And I’m not talking about the fresh-out-of-the-oven frozen pepperoni pizza with sweetcorn on top. Or the slowly melting tub of Magnum. …