From your Editor

Dear readers,

I hope you will enjoy this issue, as ever. It is a special issue, as this is the first time The Messenger has been produced mainly by a team of fully engaged ERASMUS+ students. In this issue you will see Brno and this country through ERASMUS eyes, which might be especially useful if you are an ERASMUS+ student looking for tips on this country or thoughts about the merits of travelling itself.

Ján Štefančík has written two articles under the heading “Play games, be a better student”. Maybe you will find this title thought-provoking. I certainly did.

And, of course, we have a little poetry corner, this time featuring poems by Breda Ware and also by Marie Šimáková and Adam Zeisek, the founders of – a poetry page that invites you to join the cosy world of poetry, where everyone can find a poet within themselves.


It is a marvellous issue, and I thank everyone who has participated on its development.

If you feel inspired by any of the articles or poems, please feel free to contact us at You might also like to send us your comments or suggestions for articles, or, indeed, the articles themselves.You might also wish to become a member of our team and sign up for The Messenger as one of your optional subjects (AJ_EJTM). If so, please, write to me.

 Your editor

Gabriela Oaklandová