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Terezie Ďásková Who has never admired superheroes in comic books or films? Who has never craved to gain their supernatural skills and abilities, or just to be stronger, faster or smarter? What if there was a way you could enhance yourself? Would you resist the temptation, or would you give in …

Thoughts on serendipity

Mirka Randová Years ago, at the age of 28, I drove 18 hours to a ceramics workshop. The teacher was Paul Soldner, an icon in the field of art ceramics. He is the man to whom many refer as the father of American raku, a firing technique now used by many potters. Even …

Chilean Children’s and Young Adult Book Recommendations

Maria Paz Leyton Palape Have you ever felt the desire to know more stories written in Spanish-speaking countries? It is true that there are a lot of books written in different countries with different perspectives. There are many books in Spanish which have received Nobel Prizes or some kind of recognition, …

The Curse of Pentecostal Denominations to Africans: Zambia

Elias Tembo From time immemorial, religion in Africa has been a multifaceted phenomenon which has had a strong influence on the culture, art and philosophy of its people. By and large, Christianity, followed by Islam and to a lesser extent, traditional African religion, has been widely adhered to and is still being practised …