First Semester Forum Posts

Katarína Lexová

Beginnings are hard; just think about your first days at memorable stages of your life:  first day at elementary school,  new middle school, new highschool, and then one of the most important starts in a person’s life, the university.

I have a wonderful privilage to teach first year students, so I have the firsthand experience of meeting the freshman  students at Masaryk University right from the beginning. I usually meet all kinds of students, the shy, the proud, but there is one thing they all have in common, a bit of anxiety from the unknown future. So I have decided to ask them how they really felt in their classes, during the first semester at MU. They kindly agreed to my idea of making their very honest testimonials public, so here are some of them.    (Katarina Lexova)


First semester at MU

by Adéla N

I think, that my first semester at this university was satisfying. I’ve found new friends, managed all the tests for the first sit, although I haven’t taken my final exams yet, so we will see. I enjoy classes and studying was not so hard for me so far. So I could say that this semester was succesfull.


First semester at MU

By Sara K

Hi everybody, I hope you are all holding up in the exam period.

… I have some realistic feeling about the whole university stuff 😀 I see university as a great experience, I really love it, you know – no school on Friday, no getting up early to attend classes, start of living on your own… but yes, I was afraid of exams and now I know why.

My second subject is Czech language and even though it’s MY language… it is realy hard, so many things I must learn.. I can’t imagine to get everything into my head in time. But I hope, that miracles can happen.

I am really bad at time managing. Now I see it clearer than before. I just want the exam period to be over so I can relax a little, because now I am in constant stress and it is really annoying and it makes me totally tired.

Keep going, guys. It will be over soon and I hope I’ll see you in the next semester! 🙂


My first semester at MU

by Ondřej M

I think that I feel quite happy that I can study at the MU. This university offers a lot of possibilities which could help us in our future. We receive a lot of great experience and information and it is the time for us to study what we really like. It is also great opportunity to meet great people a enjoy the student life!

My first semestr was quite difficult. It is really hard to get used to the new system and find the best way how to prepare on your own. Because it is up to us if we prepare or not. I found out that it is really difficult not to be lazy a do preparation during the semestr. I tried but I could have studied more. So I hope I will get through the exams to go on in my studies and work harder to reach what I want – to be a teacher.

And of course, I would like to wish you all the best and I hope that we all will meet after exam periond! 😉 😀


First semester at MU

by Barbara D

Hi guys,

right now I’m stressed because of the exams but I really enjoyed first semester at MU 🙂 it was fun. I met a lot of new people who are really cool so that’s great.

I’m excited about the time I will have my exams done and hopefully I will go to the next semester, because I would like that.


First semester at MU

by Štěpán J

The first semester was great. It was really good experience for my life and for another studies. I think that it was really well spent time with great people and great teacher. The whole semester in this course we were practicing speaking and it is good for our future as a teacher.

Personally I think that we could have done little bit more preparation for our final credit test but it is my opinion and for somebody it was enough.


First semester at MU – One big mess

by Natálie M

I think that I was never so scared as at the beging of the semester. I live in a little town so when I first came to Brno I was shocked how many people can be around me. I hated the noise, that smell and I missed trees and grass. I know it might sound stupid but it was important for me. Also I used to do everything with my friends. Now I have to do everything on my own. I think it was good for me because now I’m more independent.

The biggest problem was and still is studying. I’m not as good at English as I used to think. Honestly I’m terrible. Anyway I would like to pass all my exam not only for my education, but also because of my new friend which I meet here. I thought that I will never meet such  great people like in my homeland and that all the strangers will not uderstand me and my sometimes overly sarcastic humor. But I was so suprised that all my new classmates are amazing and friendly. And I won’t lose them. So I hope that I will all see you next semester.


First semester

by Jan D

To tell the truth I ve got a lot of feelings concerning the first semester. First of all I must say that I am fairly satisfied with most of the courses I attended. They were really interesting and I feel like I got quite a lot from them. On the other hand It was quite difficult to start studying again after such a long time. But the important thing is that I enjoyed it and that I am looking forward to keep studying.


My first semester at MU

by Karolína B

I was really excited when I passed the entrance exam and I must say that I still am. I am increadibly happy that I study at this university – my dream came true.

Start of the semester was confusing. Everything was new and we had to get used to this system. Each teacher told us what they want us to do for passing the subject successfully, so we had too much information in the first week that it was almost impossible to get it all and to remember it.

I can´t believe that the end is already here, it passed so fast…


My first semester

by Marek M

Well, it was pretty exciting. Brand new experience for me. I expected the university to be more anonymous and not so personal. For instance when I am at the department of English language it feels like being in a group of friends with the same interest. Students now bear all the responsibility on their shoulders and have to do a lot of stuff themselves. Grammar school could prepare people to be more independent so it wouldn’t be such a big step. But overall I love studying at the (M) uni.


by Jaroslav K

Hi guys,

this was not my first semester at the MU but it was so cool as the others. I don´t know why but I am really satisfied with my studying. Sometimes I have to work hard since I have been studying three fields of study but it is different if I compare a high school and a university and I am convinced that the university´s system is more suitable for me. My schedule is always full of interesting lectures and seminars but this was not so when I was in my first semester. I attended a few useless seminars because they were compulsory. All the time I give a try to avoid singing up for such courses. Sometimes it is inevitable of course but since I finished my Erasmus+ I am determined to create my own schedule and visit so many as possible courses which are important and interesting for me.


First semester at MU

by Kristýna L

Getting used to new places and new people is not what I prefer. On the other hand, I must say that I’m quite satisfied, because I was traumatised and terrified before the first semester and in the end it’s all just fine. Great atmosphere, good teachers and incredible schoolmates. Maybe it will change in the next semesters, but I hope it won’t be that bad. What I’m still getting used to is probably school timetable and IS. If you ask me, IS is the most s…. thing I’ve ever worked with. Without checking it everyday, I wouldn’t survive this school. But besides IS, everything seems to be quite ok. It’s more about myself and my approach to studies, so I hope I’m gonna get through this without a bigger problem. Oh yeah, and I love the idea that we’re not treated as children. 🙂


Next life chapter

By Lukáš D

Biggest problem is, or now maybe was, I didn’t know how much time I should spent by learning because I have no idea how tough or easy are the exams. I hope next semester will be different and I will get use to it better, thank to this experience.

My expectations really came true. I am glad for meeting a lot of people and new things I learnt.

Life never felt so good. (Oh lord, let me pass the exams!)

PS: all of these wonderful students have successfully passed their exams J